UPDATE July 14 @ 8:45
Provided links to debate and text of amendments from the July 13
Congressional Record; provided minor details, listed as "????" during live
posting; and at the end of the post, describe why
a unanimous consent agreement was not reached on timing for taking
up the water resources bill, and describe the modification to
Clinton's "freeze the TSA's do-not-carry list" amendment.
H.R.5441 -
The Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
Debate of July 10
Debate of July 11:
Part I and
Part II
Debate of July 12
Debate of July 13
Text of Amendments 4547 - 4549
Text of Amendments 4550 - 4580
Text of Amendments 4581 - 4642
Text of Amendments 4643 - 4674
FEINSTEIN Amendment No. 4556, to amend chapter 27 of title 18, United States Code, to
prohibit the unauthorized construction, financing, or, with reckless disregard, permitting
the construction or use on one's land, of a tunnel or subterranean passageway between the
United States and another country and to direct the United States Sentencing Commission to
modify the sentencing guidelines to account for such prohibition.
THUNE/TALENT Amendment No. 4610, to establish a program to use amounts collected from
violations of the corporate average fuel economy program to expand infrastructure necessary
to increase the availability of alternative fuels.
VITTER Amendment No. 4615, to prohibit the confiscation of a firearm during an emergency or
major disaster if the possession of such firearm is not prohibited under Federal or State
MENENDEZ Modified Amendment No. 4634, to provide that appropriations under this Act may not
be used for the purpose of providing certain grants, unless all such grants meet certain
conditions for allocation. (risk/benefit)
At NRO Corner,
this article recapitulates Senator Cornyn's reaction to his
amendment 4577
being dismissed on a point of order.
Also at the NRO Corner,
John Derbyshire deconstructs Karl Rove's speech to La Raza, including these two gems:
There was an odd little contradiction. At one point Rove seemed to claim that Mexicans
just want to stay here a while to save money, to start a business in Mexico (which, said
Rove, costs $5,000). Five minutes later he was talking about "Illegal immigrants who have
roots in America... who want to stay..." What happened to those sojourning entrepreneurs,
And then there was the standard snow job on illegals "getting in line behind those who've
applied legally..." Those who've applied legally, Karl, are waiting patiently **in their
home countries** for the chance to come live in the USA. Some of them have been waiting
for DECADES. If illegals are to wait in line behind them, then they too should go back to
their home countries to wait. Seen from abroad, the great prize is not US citizenship;
it's US residence. You are giving this tremendous prize away to law-breakers, many of whom
couldn't care less about citizenship.
Pretty simple, and amazing that the snow job worked (heck, it's still working) for as long as
it did. "In line behind" indeed; and why grant citizenship so easily, if all the country
needs is guest workers?
Howappealing.law.com reports:
Roll Call today contains
an article (subscription required)
that begins, "The bipartisan 'Gang of 14' will meet for the first time in two months this
afternoon in a gathering intended to determine group members' attitudes on a series of
outstanding judicial nominations, according to sources."
The timing is natural, as
The Senate Judiciary Committee is meeting at 9:30 this morning with nominees
- Neil M. Gorsuch (10th Cir.)
- Jerome A. Holmes (10th Cir.)
- Kimberly Ann Moore (Fed. Cir.)
- Bobby E. Shepherd (8th Cir.)
(and others) on the agenda.
This summary of pending Circuit Court nominations is up to date, and shows
14 pending Circuit Court nominations, 3 of which have been reported out of Committee
for some time, but are "contentious."
Confirmthem.com shares a letter from Manuel Miranda that calls the Senate out
for its sloth in performing "advise and consent" of judicial nominations.
With regard to
Hamdan and the handling of detainees at Gitmo (and tangentially relating to
the balance of powers between the President and Congress when it comes to dealing with
foreign nations, e.g. setting policy), I suggest reading a bit of history. We tend to
look at today's events as though they are "something new, and needing to be dealt
with using new tools," but new tools are often naught but a polish on the old tools.
Terrorists are today's pirates, and the civilized world settled, long ago, appropriate process
and justice (death) for dealing with pirates. The pertinent term of art is "offenses
against the law of nations." Without comment, a few links that I recommend for historical
background -- I haven't studied this subject, so am not in a position to render my opinion
any further than "it's not inappropriate to have Congress involved."
U.S. Constitution
Article I
Piracies, Felonies, and Offenses Against the Law of Nations
Blackstone's Commentaries - Volume V
(Search for "Chapter the Fifth - Of Offenses Against the Law of Nations," and
then down to Section III)
III. Lastly, the crime of piracy, or robbery and depredation upon the high seas, is an
offence against the universal law of society; a pirate being, according to sir Edward
Coke^k, hostis humani generis. As, therefore, he has renounced all the benefits of society
and government, and has reduced himself afresh to the savage state of nature, by declaring
war against all mankind, all mankind must declare war against him: so that every community
hath a right by the rule of self-defence, to inflict that punishment upon him, which every
individual would in a state of nature have been otherwise entitled to do, for any invasion
of his person or personal property.
Blackstone is dense reading, but lays down principles of jurisdiction and applicable rules
of law, including a probe into the source of that law.
Article I, Section 8, and the Law of Nations vs. The Man Who Would Be King
This is an easy read.
Presidential Order Establishing a Military Commission to Try the Lincoln
Assassination Conspirators and Opinion of the Attorney General Concerning such Order
This is a great read regarding the choice of venue between civil and military courts. It's
long, and dense at points. It concludes roughly as follows, which conclusion is, in my
opinion, a bit of an over simplification. Just the same, the complete piece well supports
the conclusion.
The fact that the civil courts are open does not affect the right of the military tribunal
to hold as a prisoner and to try. The civil courts have no more right to prevent the
military, in time of war, from trying an offender against the laws of war than they have a
right to interfere with and prevent a battle. A battle may be lawfully fought in the very
view and presence of a court; so a spy, or bandit or other offender against the law of war,
may be tried, and tried lawfully, when and where the civil courts are open and transacting
the usual business. ...
My conclusion, therefore, is, that if the persons who are charged with the assassination of
the President committed the deed as public enemies, as I believe they did, and whether they
did or not is a question to be decided by the tribunal before which they are tried, they
not only can, but ought to be tried before a military tribunal. If the persons charged have
offended against the laws of war, it would be as palpably wrong of the military to hand
them over to the civil courts, as it would be wrong in a civil court to convict a man of
murder who had, in time of war, killed another in battle.
The Executive Power over Foreign Affairs
111 Yale L.J. 231, 355 (2001)
Finally, we have also identified three hitherto poorly understood limits
on presidential and congressional power. First, under the Constitution, the
President only has residual foreign affairs powers. When the Constitution
assigns a foreign affairs power to Congress, that allocation is an exception
to the President's executive power. Hence the President cannot declare war,
regulate foreign commerce, and so forth. Second, the President cannot
make law as a means of implementing his executive power. Although the
President can set and announce the foreign policy of the federal
government, the President cannot invoke the force of law against
individuals outside the government who act contrary to presidential
policies. To enforce the President's foreign policy within the domestic legal
system, the President must secure the assistance of Congress (or two-thirds
of the Senate). Last, Congress lacks a comprehensive power to legislate in
foreign affairs. Outside its specific foreign affairs powers such as declaring
war or regulating commerce, and laws necessary and proper to such
powers, Congress may legislate only to carry into execution the President's
foreign affairs powers. Just as the President lacks the general legislative
power, so too does Congress lack the residual executive power.
SANTORUM Amendment No. 4575 - to add 500 additional border guards to the underlying bill.
Following Santorum, Kyl, then vote on one or both the Santorum and Kyl amendments. Then
Menendez Modified Amendment No. 4634, with time for debate being requested by Senators
Collins and Leahy.
With regard to yesterday's action, I urge a read of
Senator Sessions' speech, starting on page S7402.
UPDATE @ 10:23
KYL Amendment No. 4643 (modified) to add funding for 1,700 detention beds, bringing the
total number of detention beds funded up to the number requested by President Bush (6,700).
This amendment also includes an unrelated clause, related to reverse mortgages. Senator
Santorum notes that opposition to the offset that funds the detention beds may object
to this amendment on the grounds that the reverse mortgage provisions in the amendment are not
germane to homeland security. See
KYL Amendment No. 4580 for likely language, where the later amendment changes the
number of detention beds being added.
Senator Vitter announces a modification to his 4615, the "government can't confiscate guns
just because there is a disaster or emergency" amendment.
DODD Amendment No. 4641 increasing funding on pages 91 and 92 by HUGE amounts! (see
Senate Live - July 12
for the text of these pages) is raised for 30 minutes of debate. Given the nature
of Dodd's speech at this time, involving changes to taxing, I think he is discussing an
amendment other than 4641.
UPDATE @ 10:35
Senator Specter announces a deal with the administration on the NSA-FISA dispute, per
FoxNews. Details to follow, if the report is "new news."
UPDATE @ 10:43
Senator Gregg notices too, that the Dodd amendment increases spending by 16.5 billion dollars -
and this increase is on top of a 35 billion dollar appropriation. In other words, the Dodd
amendment is the big brother of the Biden amendment (3.3 billion, shot down on a budget
point of order), the Clinton amendment (790 million, likewise shot down) and the Schumer
amendment (350 million, likewise shot down). I have a feeling the Dodd amendment is
destined for the same fate - and maybe even the Senators who voted to waive the budget
points of order against Biden, Clinton and Schumer will not vote to waive the point against
Senator Gregg wants to vote on the Vitter amendment, but does not yet have agreement
from the Democrats. Following that, a vote on the Dodd amendment.
UPDATE @ 11:35
The motion to waive the budget point of order against
DODD Amendment No. 4641 was
on a 38 - 62 vote.
Sarbanes made 2 points on germaneness, one on Kyl amendment 4643
(rule 16 violation, legislation on an appropriations bill) where
the point of order is sustained, and the amendment falls. He
makes the same point of order against the Santorum amendment,
followed by rebuttal from Santorum. Senator Santorum is unable to persuade Senator Sarbanes
to withdraw his point of order, and Santorum concedes that there is a legitimate point
of germaneness. He asks that the provision be adopted at some time in the future. The Santorum
amendment also falls on the point of order.
Cornyn for 10 minutes, discussing his amendment that was defeated on a point of order
yesterday. He charges Reid with scuttling the amendment using a procedural trick, that
trick being Rule 16 that objects to legislating from an appropriations bill.
Senator Collins rises to talk in opposition to the Menendez amendment. She has 20 minutes,
followed by 20 minutes for Menendez. The issue is allocation of Homeland Security pork, where
Menendez wants more money for New York, New Jersey and other "high risk" areas.
UPDATE @ 12:57
A series of amendments passed on unanimous consent ...
4633 Allard - report to Congress on the costs and need for establishing a
sub-office in Greeley, Colorado
4640 Murray - 2 million dollars for radiological laboratories at Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
4648 Landrieu - study locating existing Louisiana facilities and assets of the
Coast Guard in the Federal City Project of New Orleans, Louisiana
4639 Murray - purchase of boats for Coast Guard
4617 Levin - screening of municipal solid waste for nuclear, biological and
chemical hazards to be as effective as screening commercial transportation for the same
hazardous materials
4594 Voinovich - increase amount for necessary
expenses for emergency management performance grants by 15 million dollars (page 95, line 5)
4570 Lott - challenging findings of damage by flooding instead of to hurricane
Katrina, said "flood" damage being covered by federal flood insurance
4556 Feinstein - making border tunneling a criminal offense
The order of business is to take up a Schumer/Clinton amendment for half an hour of debate,
with 20 minutes for the proponents and 10 minutes for the opponents; followed by
Senator Session who is cleared to introduce 2 of his 5 amendments.
SCHUMER/CLINTON Amendment No. 4600 to restore 300 million dollars to FEMA,
per the president's budget, for disaster relief (page 98, line 24).
Gorsuch, Holmes and Shepherd Approved by Judiciary Committee
UPDATE @ 13:16
CLINTON Amendment No. 4582 to freeze the TSA's "do not carry" or "forbidden objects" list
at its December 1, 2005 version. The amendment is introduced because, says Senator Clinton,
the TSA is considering relaxing its rules to permit small scissors and tools on board, and well,
why should we mess with the rules if they aren't broken?
Senator Lott rises to ridicule the proposed Clinton amendment, and the TSA for forbidding
relatively harmless objects. He wonders how many times does he have to take off his shoes
because one guy tried to light his? A pretty funny rant.
Senator Gregg announced the schedule as having Sessions introduce 2 amendments, then have
a vote on four amendments; Menendez, Schumer/Clinton, then the two amendments by Sessions.
UPDATE @ 13:37
Another series of amendments approved by unanimous consent. I'm sure I missed some of
the numbers, so I'll not post a list here. Easy enough to find later in the record.
SESSIONS Amendment No. 4659 to fund building 831 miles of border fence.
SESSIONS Amendment No. 4660 to fund an increase of 800 additional immigration
violations investigators (interior enforcement, not border enforcement), with funding
obtained from offsets in other areas.
Ahhh ... finally some news comes through on Specter's announcement, reported
by FoxNews (and maybe others) earlier today. The White House had quite a menu of
proposed legislative options to choose between, or to fight against.
Specter Touts Deal on Eavesdropping Review
Thursday July 13, 2006 5:31 PM (GMT)
By KATHERINE SHRADER - Associated Press Writer
Alternative/Later story link:
Bush Agrees to Eavesdropping Court Review
WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House has conditionally agreed to a court review of its
controversial eavesdropping program, Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter said Thursday.
Specter said President Bush has agreed to sign legislation that would authorize the
secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to review the constitutionality of the
National Security Agency's most high-profile monitoring operations.
An early version of the bill is
S.2453 - National Security Surveillance Act of 2006. It's
been around since the end of
February. I suspect that the bill the White House is agreeable with is substantially
different from S.2453. The curious will have to wait for details to be revealed later.
UPDATE @ 14:50
Senator Gregg opposes Sessions' fence appropriations amendment because it accelerates
the construction schedule in an unrealistic way. Senator Sessions is willing to cut the amount
in half, to fund one year, if the other half would be appropriated next year. Just the same,
he is concerned that the funds won't be appropriated, in part because the President does
not want the fence or the funds, therefore he does not put the money in his budget.
Senator Sessions counter argument is that the Senate vote will send a signal that it is a
priority to fund building the fence, said signal being visible to the conference committee
and the administration.
THUNE Amendment No. 4610 to reimburse companies for the cost of installing "gas" pumps
that are adapted to dispense ethanol fuels. This came up yesterday, and I wondered
why, if this is such a good deal for companies, they need to have the pumps paid for
by the taxpayer. He's seeking a vote at some point, but withdraws the amendment from
consideration in this bill.
Senator Gregg opposes Sessions' enforcement investigators appropriations amendment
based on general priorities, and also "if the fence is built, there is less need for
interior enforcement." He also objects to reducing funding for other activities, generally
citing Coast Guard and other aspects of homeland security.
14:30: Senator Kyl injects, as in morning business, a condemnation of Hezbolla for launching
missile salvos against Haifa and other parts of Israel, and calls on all countries to
stand behind Israel. He also condemns Syria, Iran and Lebanon, and calls for sanctions.
Senator Sessions modifies his two amendments, authorizing the appropriating committee
to use discretion as to where the offsetting funds come from.
UPDATE @ 15:19
MENENDEZ Amendment No. 4634 was
on a 34 - 66 vote [Later 36-64 on changed votes by Warner and Cornyn].
Purpose: To provide that appropriations under this Act may not
be used for the purpose of providing certain grants, unless all such grants meet certain
conditions for allocation (risk/benefit).
UPDATE @ 15:41
The motion to waive the budget point of order against
CLINTON/SCHUMER Amendment No. 4600 was
on a 46 - 54 vote.
Purpose: To restore 300 million dollars to FEMA, per the president's budget, for disaster relief
UPDATE @ 16:01
SESSIONS Amendment No. 4659 was
on a 29 - 71 vote.
Purpose: To fund building 831 miles of border fence.
GOP Nay Votes: Alexander, Allard, Allen, Bennett, Bond, Chaffe, Cochran, Coleman, Collins,
Cornyn, Domenici, Frist, Graham, Gregg, Hagel, Hutchison, Kyl, Lugar,
Martinez, McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Smith, Snowe, Specter, Stevens, Sununu, Voinovich, Warner
That went down hard. I think Senator Sessions was right. The Senate has a habit of approving
a project for political points. It can stifle implementation by later failing to
appropriate funding for the measure "approved of." I expect the next amendment will likewise
go down hard, but not quite as hard because it doesn't leave a fence on the border.
UPDATE @ 16:29
SESSIONS Amendment No. 4660 was
on a 34 - 66 vote.
Purpose: To fund an increase of 800 additional immigration violations investigators
(interior enforcement, not border enforcement), with funding to come from whatever other
aspects of homeland security that the conference committee chooses.
GOP Nay votes: Alexander, Allard, Allen, Bennett, Bond, Chafee, Cochran, Coleman, Collins,
Cornyn, Domenici, Frist, Graham, Hagel, Hutchison, Kyl, Lugar, Martinez, McCain, Murkowski,
Santorum, Smith, Snowe, Specter, Stevens, Sununu, Voinovich, Warner
REED Amendment No. 4613 was
PASSED on a voice vote.
Purpose: To prevent the Secretary of Homeland Security from
taking any action to alter or reduce operations within the Civil Engineering Program of the
Coast Guard nationwide.
DAYTON Amendment No. 4618 was
PASSED on a voice vote.
Purpose: to prevent the use of appropriated funds from being used
in violation of
EO 13149 (65 Fed. Reg. 24607; relating to greening the government through Federal
fleet and transportation efficiency).
One hour of debate on Vitter's amendment, with 45 minutes under the control of Senator Durbin,
and 15 minutes under the control of Senator Vitter.
And on a completely different subject ...
UPDATE @ 17:06
While waiting for the Senators to debate the Vitter amendment, I gathered the
complaint by Wilson/Plame against Cheney, Rove and Libby. Here is a link - note that the
file is a 4.5 Mb PDF file - but is only 23 pages long.
Link to Wilson v. Libby complaint
U.S. District Court
District of Columbia
Official Court Electronic Document Filing System
The case No. is 1:06-cv-01258-JDB
WILSON et al v. LIBBY et al
John D. Bates, presiding
For damages, the complaint alleges gross invasions of privacy, fear for safety and the
safety of their children as the conduct of Cheney, Rove and Libby makes her and her family
a target for those persons or groups who bear hostility to the United States and/or its
intelligence officers, Plame's ability to carry out duties in the CIA were impaired and
she could not carry out her career as planned, both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been unable to
pursue professional opportunities, and both have been deprived of Constitutional rights
under the First and Fifth amendments.
There are eight causes of action in the complaint.
- Violation of First amendment right to freedom of speech (Bivens)
government officials prohibited from subjecting any individual to retaliatory
action in reprisal for the exercise of the right to speech
- Violation of Fifth amendment right to equal protection under the law (Bivens)
government officials prohibited from intentionally subjecting any individual to treatment that
that is different from that accorded to others similarly situated and is without legitimate basis
- Violation of Fifth amendment right to privacy (Bivens)
government officials prohibited from violating any individual's right to privacy by
publicly disclosing personal information
- Violation of Fifth amendment right to property (Bivens)
government officials prohibited from depriving any individual of a property interest in
employment without due process
- Conspiracy to deprive a person of civil rights - 42 USC 1985(3)
- Neglect to prevent a civil rights violation - 42 USC 1986
- Public disclosure of private facts (classified CIA employment, where such disclosure
would be outrageous and highly offensive to to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities)
- Civil conspiracy
The taxpayers will certainly be picking up the defense of Cheney and Rove, to file
the 12(b)(6) motions. Meanwhile, the Wilsons and their handlers will use the lawsuit
as a platform for further bloviating their version of history.
UPDATE @ 18:02
VITTER Amendment No. 4615 was
on a 84 - 16 vote.
Purpose: To prohibit the confiscation of a firearm during an emergency or
major disaster if the possession of such firearm is not prohibited under Federal or State
Three more amendments in order, Clinton, Chambliss, and (I missed the name) before voting
for passage on the entire bill. The Clinton amendment is the one that aims to freeze the
TSA's "forbidden objects" list.
UPDATE @ 18:16
CHAMBLISS Amendment No. 4649 was
PASSED by unanimous consent.
CLINTON Amendment No. 4582 was
PASSED by unanimous consent.
Purpose: To freeze the TSA's "do not carry" or "forbidden objects" list at its December 1, 2005
version. The amendment has been modified, and it will be interesting to read the modification.
The modification is at the end of this post.
Now voting on final passage. I'll go out on a limb and predict unanimous passage, and guess that
no Senators are absent for the vote.
UPDATE @ 18:47
H.R.5441 - The Homeland Security Appropriations Bill was
on a 100 - 0 vote.
Good guess, except for the time - I'd guessed at the vote being concluded
at 18:36, but it was actually 11 minutes later than that.
Senator Warner changes his vote on Rollcall 198 to AYE.
The Senate insists of a conference and names conferees.
Senator Frist indicates that unanimous consent requests will be announced for
the stem cell research package and for taking up a water resources bill. I assume
both will be taken up next week.
UPDATE @ 19:10
Senator Frist proposed a unanimous consent agreement that
S.728 - Water Resources Development Act of 2005 be taken up on Tuesday,
with certain specified amendments being the only ones in order,
and time agreements being specified for each of the amendment, then a vote on S.728.
Following passage, S.728 as amended be substituted for
H.R.2864, the house companion bill, and the Senate request a conference.
Objection was heard. Pure speculation on my part, but objection may be to putting the
water resources act ahead of debate on the stem cell research package, which
Senator Frist had agreed to take up on Monday. The stem cell package has 12 hours of debate,
with no amendments in order.
A DO-NOTHING CONGRESS -- (Senate - July 12, 2006)
Mr. REID. ... I just received
a press release from the leader's office, majority leader BILL FRIST's
office. This is something we need to celebrate. This is from Senator BILL FRIST:
The Senate will take up the three stem cell bills on Monday, July 17, and will complete
all action by Tuesday, July 18. There's tremendous promise in stem cell research .....
That is really good news. I compliment and applaud the majority leader for allowing next
week to go to stem cell research. To those people watching in America, it is good news.
These people who have been hopeful--like the man who tapped me on the shoulder in
church--we are going to do everything we can to get the 60 votes necessary to get this sent
to the President's desk.
UPDATE @ 19:25
Still working on the unanimous consent request on the Water Resources Development Act of 2005.
There is a unanimous consent agreement regarding time for debate and voting on the stem cell
package, with debate to run from 12:30 to 8:30 PM on Monday, and from 10:30 AM to
3:45 PM on Tuesday, at which time three consecutive votes will be taken: S.3504, S.2754,
and H.R.810.
UPDATE July 14 @ 8:45
As for the failure to close a unanimous consent agreement on taking up the water
resources act on Tuesday, my speculation, that objection had something
to do with the timing of taking up the stem cell research package, was wrong. The objection
relates to handling of a nomination.
Mr. REID. ... On WRDA, we have cleared that on our side. And we have some nominations we have
also cleared on our side. I am confident that WRDA--which we were planning to go to that Tuesday
night after we finished the stem cell legislation--I am very confident we can work that
As I indicated, we are set mechanically to go forward on WRDA. It has been cleared on
both sides, even the time on the amendments. We thought we had the nominations worked out
dealing with a very important agency of our Government.
So, the water resources act is tied up in a horse trade relating to an executive
nomination, which Reid directs away from being a judicial or cabinet nomination.
Perhaps it is the nomination of Rickard Stickler to be Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.
An attempt to advance to a vote on his nomination was discussed on June 8,
to the extent a cloture motion was filed and
a cloture vote was scheduled on unanimous consent. Objection to Stickler
seems to come primarily from Senators Byrd and Kennedy.
CLINTON Amendment No. 4582 to freeze the TSA's "do not carry" or "forbidden objects" list
was modified on the floor yesterday, and passed by unanimous consent. The modified
amendment calls for a study. That's better than freezing the list at its
December 2005 revision, but my gut reaction is "Sheesh."
Sec. 540. The Comptroller General shall provide a report to the Senate and House
Committees on Appropriations no later than thirty days after enactment describing the
impact on public safety and the effectiveness of screening operations resulting from the
modification of the list of items prohibited from being carried aboard a passenger aircraft
operated by an air carrier or foreign air carrier in air transportation or intrastate air
transportation set forth in section 1540 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, as of
December 1, 2005, to be carried aboard a passenger aircraft.